MESA (Mechanical Engineering Students’ Association) is a student forum of Mechanical Engineering department of BIT. The Mechanical Engineering Department under the mentorship of Dr. S.I MANJUR BASHA (Principal, BIT), Dr. VIVEKANANDA B. HUDDAR (HOD, Mechanical Engg.) and Prof. VINOD KUMAR & Prof. NITHIN SALIAN (Faculty coordinators), organized the annual inaugural of the association, MESA – 2019- 20.
The program is conducted at “International Seminar Hall, BIT”, on 07 November 2019. The master of ceremony Althamash M of the final year started the event requesting the Vice President Mohammed Tashreef to escort of the dignitaries to the dais. Invocation song is sung by Nihal and Shamam K M of the final year who developed the aura to the program.
Mohammed Thashreef of final year and vice president of MESA-2K19 welcome the gathering, all dignitaries and the Chief Guest of the function. He also introduced Chief Guest Mr. Venkatesh Sharma, General Manager-Materials, and Mr. Kirthan Kumar, Deputy General Manager – Marketing Development of Mangalore Chemicals and Fertilizers, Mangalore to the gathering.
President of MESA-2K19 HOD, Dr. Vivekananda B. Huddar gave the inaugural speech in which he unveiled problems faced by society and the environment. He urged the students to think in solving the societal problems with new ideas and materialization through mini and major projects for SUSTAINABLE LIFE. He shared and appreciated the programs organized by the Mechanical Department faculty and MESA members. He also mentioned the proposed activities to be undertaken and accomplished by MESA during the academic year 2019-20. He stressed upon skill development among students as the lone source to enhance placement probabilities and career-making and self-entrepreneur. In complement to this, he stated that the forum will be planning for industrial visits, industrial software training, seminars, workshop, conferences, Project exhibition and internship programs for the Mechanical Engineering students. He motivated the students to organize technical-skill development activities through the forum.
The program was concluded by felicitation of Dr. Vasantha Kumar and Dr. Mohammed Asadullah for getting PhD by Chief Guest and vote of thanks by Mr. Mohammed Sawad of final year.
The Chief Guest of the function Mr. Venkatesh Sharma M R gives a ppt presentation to the gathering on a trending topic, “Beyond Engineering”. He too stressed upon the skill developments along with academic excellence. He was impressed by the way the event was promoting, “Green Sustainability”. He emphasized that the theme with which MESA is progressing is in line with his own personal interests and ideas for green environment. He mentioned in his presentation the audience how to upgrade engineering skills and how engineering students should become industry-ready.
The program is concluded with handing over the memento to the Chief Guest and Guest of Honour.