Expert Session on VLSI Industry and IC Fabrication Held at BIT

Expert Session on VLSI Industry and IC Fabrication Held at BIT

The Department of Training & Placement and the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering at Bearys Institute of Technology (BIT), in collaboration with the IEEE Mangalore Subsection and the IEEE BIT Student Branch, organized an insightful session on VLSI Industry and IC Fabrication at the National Seminar Hall.

Invited Talk on Data Protection and Cyber Security Held at BIT

Invited Talk on Data Protection and Cyber Security Held at BIT

The departments of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) and Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE), in association with the IEEE BIT Student Branch and the Institution’s Innovation Council, organized an insightful invited talk on “Global Data Protection Policy & Regulation” and “Cyber Security Architecture.

Google Developer Group Inauguration at Bearys Institute of Technology

Google Developer Group Inauguration at Bearys Institute of Technology

The Google Developer Group (GDG) was successfully inaugurated at Bearys Institute of Technology (BIT) in an event that showcased innovation, technology, and opportunities for student growth. The event was coordinated by Dr. Abdullah Gubbi, Head of the Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) Department.