Inauguration Of CEABIT Activities 2018

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bearys Institute of Technology, Inaugurated the CEABIT activities on 11 Oct 2018 which was held at 11:00 am at “International Seminar Hall”. The main motto of the association is to create a space to CSE students to showcase their talents in technical and non-technical events. The dignitaries on the dais were the Chief Guest for the program Mr.Vishnu Shashank, Entrepreneur, founder and CEO of AyusCare, Dr. Antony A.J., Principal, BIT, Dr. Musthafa Basthikodi, HOD, CSE Department, Dr. Mahabaleshvara, Dean of the academics, Prof. Vivekananda Huddar, HOD, Mechanical Department, Prof. Purushothama , HOD, Civil Department, Dr. Aziz Musthafa, Principal, BIT Polytechnic, Prof. Poornima B.V., Chief coordinator of CEABIT, Mr.Khalid Akram, President, CEABIT.

The welcome speech was given by Ms.Sunehra Mariyam, 3rd sem CSE, she also gave a brief introduction about the Chief Guest Mr.Vishnu Shashank. Mr. Khalid Akram concluded the Inauguration Ceremony with the Vote of Thanks. Ms.Aysha Suha, 7th sem CSE was the Master of Ceremony.

The Principal BIT, Dr.Antony A.J. spoke few words about the program and appreciated the team who worked for it. His speech was followed by the interesting talk by Dr. Aziz Musthafa was enlightened the gathering about the advancement of technologies in the world today. Dr. Musthafa Basthikodi then gave a brief history about the CEABIT and explained the motto of installation of the association. The badges were handed over to the Office Bearers including the Chief Patron and the Chief Coordinator.

The program continued with the Installation of the Office Bearers of CEABIT where Dr. Musthafa Basthikodi as the Chief Patron guided the Office Bearers reminding them of their duty. The Oath was received by Mr.Khalid Akram as the President, Ms.Mariyam Tahseen as Secretary, Mr.Ansari Abdullah as Treasurer, Ms.Abida Shama as Vice President1, Mr.Thameem as Vice President2, Mr.Mohammed Sadiq as Joint Secretary1, Mr.Shankara Gowda as Joint Secretary2.

The Technical Talk was on “Role of Technology in HealthCare and Entrepreneurship” by the Chief Guest Mr.Vishnu Shashank. He is an experienced technologist with strong product development skills, in depth of understanding the health tech domain, successfully conceptualized, launched and working on the growth of the product AyusCare. He made his session interesting by sharing his experience as an Entrepreneur, challenges he had to face, and his journey towards the success. His demonstration on the role of technologies involved in Health Care was the valuable addition to his session. He encouraged the gathering to be an Entrepreneur by explaining a few keys to success in this field.

The session was concluded by facilitating the Chief guest with the memento and the formal function was concluded with the Vote of Thanks.

This function concluded by promising the beginning of the workshop on “Bootstrap”. This workshop was conducted by Mr. Abdul Khader, Asst. Professor, Department of CSE. A maximum number of students participated in this workshop. The afternoon session commenced with the quiz competition which was held at computer labs, CSE Department. A great number of students participated in this competition and made this event a grand success.