Dr. Sasikumaran Sreedharan, Professor and Head, Department of Computer Engineering, King Khalid University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia visited BIT on 26 th and 27 th August 2016.
The main objective of his visit was to guide BIT in improving the quality of Teaching-Learning process, Research, Training and Placement so that BIT can be transformed into a deemed university to impart world class teaching and research. He gave a presentation on “ABET Accreditation’ for the benefit of the staff members of BIT. He was welcomed by chairman Mr. Syed Mohamed Beary, Senior Advisor Dr. S.K. Raikar and Vice Principal Dr. Abdul Kareem. He was impressed by the infrastructuture and human resources available at BIT and urged the management and faculty members to capitalize on the world class resources avaialable at BIT and move forward to achieve deemed university status in the near future.