On Behalf of the Association of Civil Engineering on 27th Oct 2018 Department of Civil Engineering conducted cleanliness drive “Swatch BIT” to create awareness among the students about the cleanliness of the BIT campus.
The campaign was started from the entrance of the college with some valuable speech about swatch BIT by a third-year civil engineering student Noman Ashraf.
Swatch BIT Campaign was started with the leadership of Head of Civil engineering department Prof Purushothama C T and the program was co-ordinate by Prof Jafar Abdulla and Prof. Harshith H J.
The students took the initiative to clean the surrounding of the college. All non-degradable wastes are collected in polythene covers and taken for further safe disposal.
The total number of students who participated in the campaign was 50 and also about 20 teaching and non-teaching faculties are also actively participated in this campaign.