MECHATICS-2018 a Mechanical Engineering student association of BIT was conducted at International Seminar Hall on 9th February 2018. Dr. Prasad Krishna, Professor NITK Surathkal was the chief guest of the function. The Principal Dr. A J Antony was presided over.
Dr. Prasad Krishna addressed the gathering on a trending topic, “Relevance of Outcomes Based Engineering Education”. He started with a clear and loud note, “Time and Tide wait for none” and asked the students to be passionate. He quoted Indian epics as examples for outcome-based education. In MAHABHARATHA, Arjun was declared as the finest archer of his time only after he was tested to hit the revolving fish eye looking from the reflection of oil pool. He explained that “World wants engineers who can solve problems”. To achieve this he emphasized that, “people who adapt to new things and collect unknown information survive in an organization”. He said, “Attitude is important than Aptitude”. Outcome-based engineering education means inculcating attitude, skill and knowledge. The students must develop communication skills, technical skills, writing skills, managerial skills, professional skills and environmental skills. He motivated the students to take up at least three internships during their engineering course. These internships must be done in industry, research organizations and foreign universities. He touched the personality development aspect of budding engineers by saying, “life should be governed by feelings, not emotions”. He also extended his co-operation to the association in organizing expert lectures and research development. The forum was opened for a question and answer session, wherein Dr. Prasad Krishna answered to technical and personality building questions posed by staff and students.
The gathering was welcomed by Prof. Vivekananda B. Huddar. He briefed about the association and motivated the student fraternity to develop skills. He also expressed the intention of BIT to collaborate with NITK for technical expertise.
Mr. Mohammed Hassan and Mr. Ubaidullah of the final year were masters of ceremony. Invocation song was sung by Mr. Nihal and Mr. Farhan of the second year developed the aura for the program. The program was concluded by a vote of thanks expressed by Mr. Hathim Sinan of the final year.