Induction Programme of the BE batch of 2016 was held at the green campus of BIT Mangaluru on 01-08-16.
Mr. Abdussalam Puthige, Editor-in-Chief, Varthabharathi, Kannada News Daily, Mangalore inaugurated the program, which commenced with floral welcoming of the guests on to the dais, followed by Invocation by students seeking the blessings of almighty.
Dr. Phani raju, Principal, BIT welcomed the gathering and congratulated the students for enrolling into BE Programme of BIT.
In his presidential address Mr. Syed Mohammed Beary, President, Beary’s group, Stressed the importance of discipline in students life. He also said to students that success and failure are the two faces of same coin, hence to achieve success they must do sacrifices and work hard.
In his inaugural speech Mr. Abdul salam Puthige , chief guest, highlighted the importance of having a goal in life. He said that each student must set a goal and they need to plan and work hard to achieve it in four years of their academic Endeavour.
Dr. S. A. Raikar, Senior advisor, in his address deliberated upon the importance of adaptability in accordance with the changing environment to be successful in life.
Mr. Mazhar S Beary, Trustee, Beary’s group, assured the students and parents that the management will provide all the support for the growth of students in the institution.
Dr.Abdul Kareem, vice principal and Dean Research, briefed the students about the various academic requirements that the students need to fulfill and also about the welfare, cultural and Research activities of the College.
Prof. Mustafa B, HOD, CSE, Concluded the program by proposing a formal vote of thanks.
Prof. Vinutha, HOD, Physics, Coordinated the induction program. Mrs. Ankitha Bekal and Miss.Jamedar Najath, Asst. Prof’s of CSE department were the master of ceremony.