New Mangalore Port (NMPT) & RMC Plant Visit

The scheduled New Mangalore Port (NMPT) visit on 10.03.18, Saturday from 10.30 AM – 1:00 PM was positively an educational experience for students of BIT. Faculty and Students were welcomed and guided by Er. Dhananjaya, Assistant Engineer Civil NMPT Mangalore, he explained about dredging process, Pile foundation, oil jetty, Berth construction and maintenance in harbour and students are permitted to visit dredging ship.

Afternoon from 1.30 PM – 5.00 PM Faculty and Students visited RMC ready mix plant India pvt. Ltd. Industrial Area, Baikampady, Mangalore. Er. Varsha and Er. Shivaprasad, Site Engineers were welcomed our Faculty and Students followed by a brief power point presentation about the different types of concrete and process in RMC Plant. They shared the knowledge about the preparation of ready-mix concrete with different types of admixtures and superplasticizers used to gain strength as well as durability of the concrete. This visit helped and encouraged our student’s to conducted good projects in the current academic year. The visit was an excellent experience for the students.