RESOURSE PERSON: Mr. Hardik Singh and Mr. Chirag Ravishankar
TIME:10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering has organized One day workshop on “Intro Into Blockchain” in association with IEEE bit student branch and CEABIT for the faculty members as well as for the students. The official ceremony is conducted in Block B Internation Seminar Hall followed by workshop in block-A, Mobile Application Development Laboratory, Beary’s Institute of Technology, Mangalore on 29 April 2023.The resource person for this event was Mr. Hardik Singh and Mr. Chirag Ravishankar.
The program was presided by Dr.Aziz Musthafa vice principal of,BIT Mangalore and prof. Sinan incharge HOD has given the behavioral guidelines to the students and it also coordinated by Prof. Umme Najma faculty coordinator of IEEE bit student.
The program was commenced by welcome speech by Mr. Mohammed Junaid , member of CEABIT 8th sem CSE, followed by introduction of guests which was done by Mr.Mohammed Hashik 8th sem CSE, secretary of CEABIT and the program was hosted by Ayshath Surayya student of 8th sem CSE.
In this session Mr. Hardik Singh and Mr. Chirag Ravishankar has deliverd brief introduction about the blockchain technology followed by practical session.
At the end of the session guest are honored by Prof. Sinan incharge HOD of CSE Department.