Interactive session on “Engineering your Brand : Personal Branding for Success” at BIT

26th September 2024, Mangalore — The IEEE Mangalore Subsection in collaboration with the IEEE BIT Student Branch successfully hosted a session on ” Engineering your Brand : Personal Branding for Success,” delivered by Mr. Mohammed Faizal, Head of CPOD at PACE. The session was held at the International Seminar Hall, Bearys Institute of Technology (BIT), and witnessed active participation from first-year engineering students.
The welcome address was delivered by Dr. Abdullah Gubbi, who emphasized the importance of holistic growth in students, not only through academics but also through cultivating personal and professional development skills. He also encouraged students to seize this opportunity to learn the strategies required for building their personal brand early in their academic journey.

Mr. Faizal, an expert in personal branding and professional development, focused on key principles for building a strong personal brand. He urged the students to maintain focus in their goals, be truthful in their endeavors, and remain consistent in their efforts. He also highlighted the importance of embracing failures as learning opportunities, stating that the ability to “learn to fail” is critical for long-term success. Moreover, Mr. Faizal encouraged the students to strive to create a lasting impact and to work towards building a legacy that transcends their individual achievements.

The speaker’s insights were well received by the students, who were highly engaged throughout the interactive session. Mr. Faizal’s words of wisdom on how to develop and sustain a personal brand will undoubtedly help the students shape their professional identities as they move forward in their careers.The event concluded with a vote of thanks by Prof. Joyson M from the Department of Basic Science.