Hands on Medical Image Processing using Python

Hands on Medical Image Processing using Python

On 24th June 2023 at 2:00 PM, BIT IEEE Student Branch organized a hands-on workshop on Medical Image Processing using Python. The event aimed to provide participants with practical knowledge and skills in utilizing Python for processing medical images. The resource...
“Don’t Remain As An Average Engineer”

“Don’t Remain As An Average Engineer”

Department of Training and Placement in association with CEA – BIT, CSE Department organized a talk on “Don’t Remain As An Average Engineer” to BE – CSE and BE – ECE students on 04.01.2024. Mr. Mohammed Saqib – Delivery Manager, Pace Wisdom Solutions Pvt Ltd,...
Welcoming Second year students to Department

Welcoming Second year students to Department

The Department of Computer Science faculties organized a “Welcoming Second Year Students” Program on 16-11-2023 to the students of Computer Science Engineering and Artificial Intelligence & Data Science departments. The program was conducted in the International...