BIT, Mechanical Engineering Department Conducted “World Green Building Week-2023”

The Department of Mechanical Engineering successfully conducted “World Green Building Week” on 15th September 2023 for the students and staff of the Mechanical Engineering Department. All the students and staff of Mechanical Engineering department actively participated in the program and had great success. In view of World Green Building Week, Conducted awareness program on “Stop Plastic Pollution Be a Part of Green Solution”. As a part of this program distributed A Clay Water Dispenser to all the institutes of Bearys Knowledge Campus.
Dr.Vasantha Kumar, Head of Mechanical Engineering Department, escorted the dignitaries to the dias. The gathering was welcomed by Dr. Sandeep Nambiar S, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, who expressed gratitude to everyone present. The inauguration of the World Green Building Week was carried out by Dr. S I Manjur Basha, the Principal of BIT. Dr. Basha commended the Mechanical Engineering Department for initiates to organizing this event. Prof.Arvind Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical engineering was the coordinator for the event.

Mr.Hasheer N, 7th Semester Mechanical Engineering Department student briefed the benefits of A Clay Water Dispenser and also highlighted the drawbacks of plastic usage. Dr.Aziz Mustafa, Principal of BIES, Dr.Purushothama C T, Professor of Civil Engineering Department, Dr.Anjum Khan, HOD of Basic Science and Prof.Zaheer Ahmed were witnesses for the program.